Apple chief Tim Cook warns against ‘back door’ spying in new snooping laws You can check the article at :
Tag: security
A good idea to recycle that old computer
Every few year we tend to change computer, the hardware can’t cope with modern demands, so that machine usually end up gathering dust somewhere in a cupboard in case the new one get defective or that we don’t know what to do with it. Sending it to the recycler is a good idea or course,…
Twitter account hacked
It seem that there is a little epidemy on twitter a lot of account got hacked so you might see post that you never made telling your follower that the cari’s system for weightlost it the greatest thing ever. I got hacked myself!! which is very scary since I run anti virus and spyware checker …
Vista/7 more secure than Linux and Mac OS X | Hardware 2.0 |
Could it be true?