Cool ! Look like Venus is about to get visitors.

Cool ! Look like Venus is about to get visitors.
Have scientists solved a cosmic mystery and found first sign of Dark Matter?
I found this article about Pluto on Cnet, though I could share. Should it be voted a planet again? Why Pluto is the coolest dwarf planet in the galaxy
We are so small ! Check this article on Gizmodo :
I wonder if it will be as visible as they say, or if it’s going to be Comet Kohoutek like Hubble telescope captures ‘comet of the century’ The operators of the Hubble Space Telescope say the orbiting observatory has snapped photos of an approaching comet.
Milky Way Galaxy May Be Less Massive Than Thought
Source All about our solar system, outer space and exploration
And one day it’s going to be us! Andromeda galaxy devouring its neighbours: astronomers The Andromeda galaxy, the closest neighbour to our own Milky Way, has been growing by scooping up stars from smaller surrounding galaxies, a Canadian-led team of astronomers has found.
This news resurface all the time! Comet carries a building block of lifeLife on earth came, if not from ancient astronauts, in part from outer space. NASA astronauts have discovered an amino acid, glycine, essential for life on earth, on a comet, confirming a long-held theory that the building blocks for life came from outer…
Bits of Halley’s comet.