Cool ! Look like Venus is about to get visitors.

Cool ! Look like Venus is about to get visitors.
This is how thing should proceed :
Will Mars One Really Make It? By Amy Shira Teitel
Have scientists solved a cosmic mystery and found first sign of Dark Matter?
Would be sad to not have low orbit permanently occupy in the future? Could happen!
I found this article about Pluto on Cnet, though I could share. Should it be voted a planet again? Why Pluto is the coolest dwarf planet in the galaxy
Still not competing with 1960’s Saturn V, but it’s getting there ! Source All about our solar system, outer space and exploration.
That would be cool no ? Skylab II
Fun article on gizmodo : Bacon Was the First Thing Ever Eaten on the Moon Setting foot on the moon for the first time was perhaps one of the biggest technological, scientific and political achievements of our age. So what better way to celebrate, after exploring that new lunar landscape, than with bacon? Read more…