Category: Life

Can Aspirin treat breast cancer?

I haven’t tried Flipboard in a while and I’ve stumbled on this interesting article : Can Aspirin treat breast cancer? Why aren’t we trying to find out? : I really think that government should step up in medical research, if it’s only left in the hands of privates enterprises I think only short term…


Changes. New name, broader goal. Yes, i thought the “Tech journal” was too limiting after all. Got too conflicted posting stuff that wasn’t 100% pure tech news and then, i feel theses posts get so outdated fast. I fell more about posting geeky stuff that i feel is interesting for me and the other geeks.…

Could the Government Get a Search Warrant for Your Thoughts?

Scary but plausible article on the advances of neuroscience and the risk in bring on individuality and privacy.

Still Alive !

Yes, still alive, but with my free time I’ve been doing more photography. Have a few projects and haven’t given up on them, so don’t give up. I’m still here. For my latest photography check

A note for scammers that think they are new media specialist

When you live a comment giving me #$%#$ because I’ve rejected your previous comment because it was: in the spam filter because it was totally off topic Also it doesn’t make you look more legit when you leave as your website and that the email address is not valid either. Maybe you want to…