Category: From a mobile location

Posted with a mobile device. Could need edition

NASA’s Scrubbed Escape Pod Glides to New Home

To the future and ……. …… The museum? NASA’s Scrubbed Escape Pod Glides to New Home NASA’s cute, wingless escape pod for the International Space Station, which was in development until 2002, finally has a home. Sadly, it’s not in space, but in Ashland, Nebraska at the Strategic Air and Space Museum.

A new Wii

Does it really need an update? It’s not the power that made it different but the gameplay no? Next Generation Wii Coming With HD Graphics and New Controller in 2011 [Nintendo] Leave it to Yoichi Wada—president of final fantasizer Square Enix, the biggest Japanese game house—to break the news about the next generation Nintendo Wii.…

Are Sunspots Disappearing?

This is a very interesting article on the sunspot decline that our sun is experiencing. Be reassured that it’s not the first time it happen and it won’t probably be the last.


And one day it’s going to be us! Andromeda galaxy devouring its neighbours: astronomers The Andromeda galaxy, the closest neighbour to our own Milky Way, has been growing by scooping up stars from smaller surrounding galaxies, a Canadian-led team of astronomers has found.

CRTC in the news again

They really want to please the public! CRTC won’t name firms in do-not-call probeThe CRTC is refusing to identify three telemarketers accused of willingly violating the national do-not-call list, according to a report by the Toronto Star.

Scrap the CRTC, petition urges ? Maybe it’s a little too far!

Why scrap? Fix it instead! We need an board like that. But it need to work. Can’t just let the system regulate itself. That’s why the mobile services are so expensive in Canada and that our Internet providers have free reign like they have right now. read this: Scrap the CRTC, petition urges An online…

Comet carries a building block of life

This news resurface all the time!  Comet carries a building block of lifeLife on earth came, if not from ancient astronauts, in part from outer space. NASA astronauts have discovered an amino acid, glycine, essential for life on earth, on a comet, confirming a long-held theory that the building blocks for life came from outer…